What are your first steps after separation?
You and your partner have separated. What are your first steps?
- Contact us on (07) 3839 7400 or email resolve@brisbanemediations.com.au.
- We will send you information on our mediation process in family matters.
- Click here to find a mediator you think might suit you and your former partner. If you are disputing children’s issues then be sure to select one of our many registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRPs). If yours is a property dispute, we can recommend several of the many experienced mediators on our panel.
- If you wish to resolve both property and parenting issues, then our co-mediation service may be the best option for you. With this service, you have the assistance of two mediators – a male and female if desired and a mix of backgrounds (for instance, a legally trained mediator and a social scientist mediator).
- Both parties come in for separate, confidential intake sessions. If you would like us to approach your former partner, we will contact them to explain the process before inviting them to participate.
- If you have children at a level of maturity which you, the other party and your mediator believe justifies their having a voice at the mediation, then we suggest you discuss the Child Inclusive Mediation process with your mediator and our Mediation Manager.
- Once the intakes and child interviews (if appropriate) have been conducted, it is time to mediate.
- Hopefully, your mediation will provide a way forward for both of you and will result in either a Parenting Plan or Heads of Agreement which are later converted into Consent Orders through the relevant court.
- If the mediation is not successful, however, your registered FDRP is authorised in parenting matters to issue you and / or your former partner with a Section 60I Certificate, which allows for filing in either the Family Court of Australia or the Federal Circuit Court, depending on which is considered most appropriate by you or your legal adviser/s.
- Please feel free to discuss any aspect of the process with us or your lawyer.
In conflict over parenting or property issues?
Let Brisbane Mediations guide you and help resolve your issues in a way that both of you can live with. Click here to select your mediator/s. For further information call us on (07) 3839 7400.
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