To ensure our clients are as knowledgeable and informed as possible, here's a list of the questions we are most frequently asked about our services, together with our answers.
If you have a question about Brisbane Mediations, our mediators, our costs, or what you can expect when you consult with us, complete the form below and we’ll get back to you.
What if I come for my intake and the other party doesn’t answer when invited?
You can dance by yourself but unfortunately you can’t mediate by yourself. We need at least two parties to be able to mediate. At your intake we will gather as much information as possible about your issues, including all contact details for the other person/persons. Following your intake, our experienced assistants will contact the other person and invite him/her to also attend an intake. Be assured that we will do everything we can to invite the other party to participate and will keep you in the loop at all times.
What if the other party refuses to attend?
We are very experienced – not only with the mediation process, but also in talking to people – and will do everything possible to encourage the other person involved to attend. Sometimes people thinking about mediation simply need to feel safe and trust our process. Often they just need to know that we are neutral, independent and not on anyone’s team. If, despite our best efforts, the other party declines to attend for an intake, then we will advise you of your alternatives, one of which is to embark on court proceedings. In matters involving the parenting of children, if we consider it appropriate, we will direct the issue of a S60I Certificate to enable the willing party to bring court proceedings. At times, once court proceedings commence, reluctant parties reconsider their position and agree to attend and of course we are happy to schedule mediations at this point.
How do we know the best service for us and what are the benefits of each mediation model offered?
In the majority of cases, our Preferred model will provide the best option. We have offered our Preferred Mediation model over many years with a high degree of satisfaction. Features of our Preferred Mediation include: choice by the parties of a mediator from our extensive panel of experienced mediators and the ability to extend the time of the mediation beyond four hours if the parties consider they are making good progress on the day and want to continue. We also offer a Premium Mediation model. Whilst we accept that this model will have limited appeal due to costs, we understand there are occasions (particularly in complex or highly conflictual matters) where parties wish to engage a specialist mediator of their choice who does not fit within our normal cost framework and who we can engage to undertake the mediation at a price agreed by negotiation. We are more than happy to discuss these options with you and to recommend and tailor a process to suit your individual needs.
Who is the best mediator for us?
At Brisbane Mediations, we are able to offer a number of very experienced mediators, who are well qualified to mediate a wide range of issues. In both the Preferred and Premium models of mediation, you have the option of choosing your mediator. Our assistants will chat with you initially about the nature and background of your dispute and whether you have a preferred mediator. If not, then in discussion with you, our assistants will recommend a mediator they consider to be suited to your issues and will most likely invite you to familiarise yourself with that mediator’s qualifications and experience from our website. If it is your wish that we appoint a Premium mediator, then we will undertake to contact that mediator and to negotiate a price for the mediation. We will discuss the details with you before putting any arrangements into place.
What if we come for counselling, conflict coaching or a facilitated discussion and find that we need a different service?
Fortunately, in dealing with a ‘one stop shop’ like Brisbane mediations, we can not only offer a range of services but also the flexibility for you to move to another service or to choose and add-on if you see fit. For instance, you may start with some Counselling or Conflict Coaching and then wish to proceed with a Mediation. Because we are under the one roof, these changes are easily arranged. Be assured that at all stages, we are happy to help you decide.
What happens if I don’t fully resolve my parenting dispute through mediation?
All Brisbane Mediations registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRPs) are qualified to issue Section 60I Certificates, which allow you to file for a judicial decision. It is our policy to issue these certificates only if a mediation is not successful in achieving a resolution or if one party declines to attend mediation.
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