Mediation: Cost effective conflict resolution
Mediation helps you find a lasting solution to a dispute, usually for far less than you might outlay if you took your dispute to court.
Brisbane Mediations helps people sort out their differences quickly, simply and effectively.
We offer you a choice. You can engage a single mediator or two co-mediators to address issues with expertise and sensitivity. We can also coach you to deal better with conflict.
We help parties to communicate rather than go to court.
Brisbane Mediations’ mediators are highly experienced and well trained. We are able to successfully handle all interpersonal and conflict.
In addition, our impartial advisers can recommend outcomes if requested. For instance:
- Children’s views can be heard indirectly and feedback provided to parents by engaging one of our psychologist or social scientist child consultants in a child inclusive mediation process.
- One of our independent financial advisers can recommend a considered financial resolution based on the facts as supplied by both parties.
- We can access one of our many expert advisers.
Conflict resolution made simple
We pride ourselves on our flexibility and can arrange convenient times to suit you.
Our mediation rooms provide a relaxed and private setting conducive to quality outcomes.
We have the experience and qualifications to mediate any issue without the need for parties to bring lawyers along. We do, however, welcome and value legal representatives attending to provide support and advice to parties during mediation – should this be your preference.
Brisbane Mediations has successfully assisted thousands of clients through some of the most difficult times in their lives. If engaged, we will strive to do the same for you or your client.
If you are in conflict, then we recommend that you contact us at Brisbane Mediations. Let us help you do the heavy lifting and achieve a satisfactory outcome.
In conflict? Contact Brisbane Mediations
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