Age Discrimination in the Workplace

An article in Guardian Australia today highlights that despite one quarter of the Australian population being over the age of 55, older workers face being branded with outmoded and unfair stereotypes, including the notion that older workers are slow to learn.

The statistics are shocking to say the least. 40% of Australian companies said they avoided employing anyone over the age of 55, and over 27% of people over the age of 50 have experienced age discrimination at work.

But more worrying is the incidence of more covert forms of workplace discrimination, such as excluding older colleagues from social activities, or throwaway ageist remarks. This type of discrimination takes place between co-workers, and often the HR department is the last to know about any unrest this behaviour might be causing.

Tension between co-workers can be tricky to resolve, particularly when one person is isolated from the remaining members of staff. Let’s face it – it’s not easy to talk to a person you find difficult, and it’s not easy for a grown person to admit to their manager or supervisor that someone is being downright mean to them.

Here’s how mediation can help. We meet with the parties individually and liaise with your HR or management team to get a complete understanding of the different viewpoints of the dispute, as well as possible means of resolution.

If mediation is deemed appropriate, we proceed in a sensitive and focused manner, seeking solutions which allow all parties to move forward.

If you are experiencing problems with a co-worker, and would like to discuss your mediation options, please give us a call or email

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