How We Mediate
At Brisbane Mediations, we genuinely facilitate resolution of conflict between our clients.
We are truly independent and totally impartial, taking a bi-partisan approach and keeping an open mind.
We understand that all of our clients have their own views on their dispute and have usually been living with it for some time.
We know they see their dispute from their own perspective and that perception is reality in these situations.
We believe that just as you “own” your dispute, you should also “own” the solution to it. We do not impose our views, but if asked for an opinion – where we have professional expertise – we will gladly give it.
We welcome legal representatives at our mediations, but are equally willing to mediate with parties alone.
Our belief in the value of communication, agreement and relationships is what motivates us.
We aim to achieve post separation co-parenting, better family relationships and peaceful, cost-effective resolution of conflict.
Our psychologist / social worker mediator is competent to mediate in a therapeutic or transformative way which fosters positive change in how disputing parties interact going forward.
Our lawyer mediator is a practising solicitor and is comfortable to provide an opinion or evaluation of the likely outcome should court proceedings eventuate.
We encourage our clients to refer to the qualifications, experience and style of our mediators by clicking here. We are also happy to advise in respect of the best fit of mediator to dispute.
We pride ourselves on our high success rate and refer you to the comments of some of the satisfied users of our service.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
Although some participants in mediation prefer to attend alone, lawyers are more than welcome during any part of the process, including preliminary or intake sessions. We value the support and advice lawyers provide to their clients.
We also provide brochures and other information to assist you to understand our dispute resolution processes.
Prior to mediation, parties sign a Mediation Agreement, a copy of which is sent out for them to read.
Intake (Preliminary) Sessions
Before mediation, your mediator will meet and talk with you and the other party separately in order to:
- Introduce him/herself and provide initial information to put you at ease
- Hear the history of the dispute from each of your perspectives
- Try to understand why you have not been able to sort it out so far
- Explain our processes and how mediations normally proceed
- Assess whether mediation is appropriate considering your particular circumstances
- Explain the confidentiality of the process to each of you
- Identify the issues likely to be discussed at mediation.
Whenever we can, we schedule intake sessions on a day prior to the actual mediation. This avoids the ‘pressure cooker’ effect of parties (who are probably feeling apprehensive about mediating) undertaking both the pre-mediation and the mediation on the same day. This way you have time to think about matters discussed at the pre-mediation session and to have your queries answered prior to mediation.
Circumstances sometimes mean, however, that intakes need to occur on the same day as the mediation.
Talk with us
Provide your name and contact details below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.